The entire cast of South Pacific. Good luck trying to find me; it's like a game of Where's Waldo.
My friend Rich and me backstage during Intermission
My friend Isaac likes to pick girls up and carry them around when he's drunk.
No, really. He does.
Rebecca, Asif, Rich, Helen, and myself. I apparantly didn't get the memo that we were supposed to smile and NOT look like idiots.
Sometimes my friends have naked time. I've been told that it's a chemical reaction that occurs when you mix alchohol and musical theatre boys; however, I suspect sexual repression is to blame.
Naked time with my director. That sounds a lot dirtier than it actually is.

This wasn't taken at the cast party, but it was a cast party, so it counts. Obviously, my friends and I are totally hardcore. Obviously.
I made my musical theatre boys come and crash my friend Betsy's semi-formal house party. I think the level of classiness went down about 10 notches upon our arrival.
NB: The guy attempting to lick my face is my flatmate as of this coming May. God help me.
That's all for now. I hope that in posting these I have now provided you with sufficient fodder to take the piss out of me for at least the next few months.
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